Whether leading your business or your team, integrity will be your guiding light for everything you do, decide, and achieve.
Having strong moral principles and values will hold you firmly through the storms of running a private practice. It will keep you focused, undivided, consistent and uncompromising in achieving your team’s and business’s vision.
Your integrity depends on upholding your unique values and principles.
The Elevate your Practice Programme will help you explore and clarify the foundational values that guide your business so you can feel confident about your unique business positioning.
Innovation is crucial to the continuing success of your business and team.
But there’s no one way to create an innovative practice. Every business is different.
The Elevate Your Practice Programme will help you discover how to create an environment to foster innovation through inspiration and imagination combined with strategic direction and resources.
So you can feel more confident in what type of innovation process your current business positioning requires.
Your business has the potential to make a transformative impact in your community and with the clients you serve.
The magnitude of the impact of your private practice depends on intentionally prioritising your work day, working hours, and service offerings.
The actions you implement will make the difference between where you are now and where you see your business and team accelerating.
In the Elevate Your Practice Programme, we focus on being prepared with strategic planning and forecasting that will enable you to make the most of opportunities to make an impact.
And getting comfortable with taking imperfect action over delaying for the sake of perfection allows you to intensify the results of your impact.
So you can amplify your impact in your community instead of getting stuck in the day-to-day work.
To have influence is to have the ability to transform and shape the opinions, character, development or behaviour of others.
As Dietitians, we tend to lack confidence in the business space, reducing our influence over those around us.
Learning to master your influence is a powerful tool for ensuring our success in the private practice industry.
Confidence in our abilities as owners of private dietetic practices allows us to make the most of opportunities that showcase our strengths, values and effectiveness.
The Elevate Your Practice Programme gives you the space to consider how you shape the attitudes, viewpoints and behaviours of those you serve in your business.
We explore how you can positively use your influence in your workplace to transform your team’s skills, understanding, behaviours and motivations. And focus on the critical areas for influence and how this directly impacts the outcomes and income of your business.
Income is key to growth, expansion and freedom.
Increasing your income from your private practice allows you to reinvest in your business – growing your team, additional facilities, and investing in equipment or systems.
And as your personal income increases, so does your choice over spending habits, sense of freedom and lifestyle. You’re now able to support your personal interests and ability to give back to the community.
In the Elevate Your Practice Programme, we explore what income growth would look like to you as a person and as a business owner.
We explore your money mindset and allow you time to focus on strategic planning, building authentic relationships and team leadership to grow your income.